Sunday, December 17, 2006

Brand Name Shopping Mall

Highlights From Brand Name Shopping Mall (12/17/06)

Join our BNSM Newsletter Click Here!

BNSM Newsletter

Hi :

The sixth edition of the BNSM Newsletter has been published and you
will find it online at:

I will be maintaining an Archives so that you will be able to check
back issues whenever you want. Perhaps you want a recipe that
you didn't copy down, or a joke you liked but can't remember the
punchline. *Grin

You'll find that at:
Again, thank you for subscribing to our BNSM Newsletter. I am sure
you will find it helpful in your shopping ventures as well as enjoyable

Warm regards,

P.S. If you should have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me.
Or..............if you should like to donate to one of the columns, either the
"Rumours Around the Mall" column, or the "Readers'" column, please
feel free to send them to me.

If at any time you would like to be unsubscribed, please send me an email

with "Unsubscribe BNSM Newsletter" in the subject line and you will no
longer receive them.

Happy Shopping!