Sunday, January 28, 2007

Brand Name Shopping Mall

Highlights From Brand Name Shopping Mall (01/28/07)

Join our BNSM Newsletter Click Here!

CONTENTS: Just Click On Any Title In The Contents List
And It Will Take You Directly There.

1. Weekly Store Specials: Kmarts, JoAnn, CompUSA
2. New Stores At BNSM:
3. Store Announcements Special Promotions
4. Shoppers' Column Your Comments and Suggestions
5. Rumours Around The Mall: So Unusual!
6. Mystery Locations of Games New Locations Every Week
7. Healthy Recipes: Sweet Potato Cheesecake
8. Joke Of The Week: Hymn 365
9. Support Our Troops Send A "Care Package"
10. Join Our Newsletter

Listed above, as an introduction to our BNSM Newsletter, is a
list of this week's contents (e-mailed late on Sunday evening so
that it's in your inbox first thing on Monday morning.)

Our Newsletter is a quick read, but entertaining reading. It is
short and to the point.

1. We usually have three specials going on every week.
2. Any new stores that have been added are listed here (none
for this week) and also any new stores that are coming.
3. Special Promotions that are being held by any of the stores,
like contests, or timed specials. You will find that there are
a lot of sales that are held only for on-line shoppers and not
found in the actual stores.
4. We like to interact with our readers and encourage their
5. This column is liable to have anything in it. Anything
unusual, unique or not heard of before. Maybe a news item,
an unusual video (like this week), news from Guiness World
Records. The items are not necessarily related to shopping-it could be
6. There are 5 games, Daily Crossword, Sudoku, Pacman, Hangman's
Noose and Backgammon located on five of the 56 stores'
promotional pages, but to find out which pages and play the games,
you must read the Newsletter which reveals their secret locations.
And, they have new locations every week.
7. There's a new and, sometimes unusual, recipe every week which
are taken from a natural healing cookbook.
8. Of course, it wouldn't be a newsletter without a good belly laugh.
9. This is a weekly reminder to support out troops in Iraq. We have
a special place-the American Warrior Support Group from the
American Legion Post 259 who will send care packages for us.
Just send your care package to the address listed there.
10. And, of course, a weekly reminder to join our Newsletter, if you
haven't already done so.

And there you have it. A short, quick read, but friendly and entertaining
newsletter with which to start your week out every Monday morning.

The Newsletter itself is an advertisement exclusively for Brand Name
Shopping Mall, and there are no other advertisements, nor will there
ever be, in the Newsletter.

If you would like to receive this short piece of entertainment every
Monday morning, simply click up above where it says "Join our
Newsletter here." It's one piece of email you won't mind receiving.