Monday, November 12, 2007

Brand Name Shopping Mall Blog

Highlights From Brand Name Shopping Mall (11/12/07)
A Letter From IRAQ- Views From A Soldier Who Has Spent 15 Months In IRAQ

On my Brand Name Shopping Mall, I have an area (1/4 of the way down the page-right next to the image of Maxine) that gives an address for those who wish to support our troops. Now that it's getting close to Christmas, it might be a good idea to get the donations out now so that they will get them in time for Christmas. Bonnie Bryan is a VFW member in Paradise, California and she and her friend Debbie do a lot of work in collecting donations and sending packages to our troops overseas. Bonnie and I worked together for over 10 years and she's a good friend of mine and a very good person. If you send anything to her for the troops, I guarantee that the troops will get it.

Bonnie gets to know, not only the soldiers themselves, but members of their families and she keeps in touch with them. One of them sent her the following letter and I thought that people would be very interested in one soldier's view of the Iraq war. Please take time to read it. It is an eye-opener.

October 6, 2007

From: Note From Bonnie:
This is a letter we received from one of our soldiers in Tikrit, Iraq (which is where we found that idiot in an underground hole). Dan is on his way home soon but I thought you just might appreciate the letter he sent; yes, we did send him care packages but the last two packages were sponsored by a church and the VFW - in other words, they paid the postage for all of the packages we mailed.

By the way, included in the packages were yo yo's which I understand from the relatives they loved them. The next packages going out next week will include marbles. Goodness knows there's enough sand to draw a huge circle should the "kids" want to draw a big one. Here is Dan's letter. (Editor's Note: They are also interested in the Rubicon Puzzles!)

Here Is The Letter:

"Dear Savior of Lutheran Church and the VFW.

Thank you for the packages you sent. It's great to know people back home are thinking about us. It seems the war is unpopular back home, but no matter if you support the war or not - you should always support the sons and daughters of America who are doing a job that is neither fun or safe.

"I have been in Iraq for 15 months but I am no expert on Iraq or its' politics. I read about people condemning the war but I cannot help but laugh because these are the people we, as the American people, put in office, and I think that puts the blame on all our shoulders for the mess we are in here. We will not win this battle until America puts its' politics to the side and join together as a Christian America and fight this war to the end.

"I know there is a God because I pray to him every day and He has protected me for 15 months against radical Islamic fighters who wish nothing more than to kill Americans and make the world an Islamic state. The war of morals, values, and freedom is being fought here in Iraq by men and women who believe in God so that our sons, daughters, fathers, and mothers never have to live under the yoke of Islamic Ideals.

"This war will not be short and I pray America has the will to see it to the end."

" Thank you for your support. God bless all of you.

SSG Dan B, Tikirit, Iraq, 82nd Airborne Div."

God bless America. God bless us one and all.
