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Has All Our Media Turned Into Yellow Journalism? Including our daily dose of TV News?
I have been appalled as I watched the news for the past several years and find that our news is, for the most part, all based on sensationalism.
Journalism, one of our most respected careers, no longer has the elegance or stature that it once had. It has been reduced to the ways of yellow journalism. Our news is now based on sensationalism and is ruled by greed. The more sensational the news, the more money to be made in advertising. It can no longer be called news, as such.
The New York Times newspaper's headline "All the News That's Fit To Print" should now read "Any News Is Fit To Print." Our news media has lost any sense of responsibility in reporting the news. There are still some things that are not fit to print, but our news media is ignoring their responsibility and is printing anything that is sensational, regardless of who suffers as a result.
The irresponsibility of our news media is not only creating havoc but could very well be ruining lives. Is ruining lives worth the greed that's involved? There are several incidents that have really caused me a great deal of concern.
The Alex Baldwin story of the personal and very private text emails to his daughter. I am not condoning Alex Baldwin's remarks. He definitely needs anger management counselling and I pray for his poor daughter who was the object of that tirade. But, the person who released those tapes should be hung at dawn. And all the news media that reported and showed those tapes should be hung at dawn right along with the despicable person who released them. It's the Baldwin's daughter who is getting hurt the most, but evidently the news media did not care about the human factor and were completely irresponsible in reporting this fiasco. It was not anything the public needed to know. It was not fit to print. The person who released them (could it have been Alex Baldwin's ex-wife?) did so for their own personal benefit and not the benefit of the public. The people who reported on them did so for the sensationalism it would cause and the increased ratings for their show and not for the benefit of the public. And if the person who released them was, in truth, Alex Baldwin's ex-wife, using their daughter as a pawn in a fierce divorce battle is one of the most despicable ploys ever perpetrated by a so-called adult couple.
I am convinced that Princess Diana was killed by the so-called photographers or "paparazzi" in their eagerness to get high-paying photographs. They claim that her bodyguard had been drinking. It was proven he had a couple of beers. A big, burly, strong bodyguard who cannot handle one or two beers is pathetic and probably untrue. I suspect he was a scapegoat to whitewash the photographers involved.
It seems to me that Anna Nicole Smith was driven to suicide. They claim an accidental overdose, but if Ms. Smith had been taking these drugs all these years, it is doubtful she would be "accidental" with them and would know exactly how each one affected her. She may have been pretty well drugged during most of her interviews, but she was not stupid. Anything but. The news media would not leave her alone. Her son's death devastated her and the news media were constantly at her and would not leave her alone long enough to let her grieve for her son.
What is the news media now going to do to her daughter? They are going to ruin her life as well under the guise of imparting news to the public. We do not need to know about Ms. Smith's daughter, so if the news media has any responsible bones left in their collective bodies, leave Ms.Smith's daughter and her father alone and let them live normal lives.
It seems that "yellow journalism" is the only news that's left in this country.